Valentine with a Goddess

When you wake up with your wife
– realizing her insight sees you better than you see yourself …….

When you wake up with your wife
– realizing her heart embraces you more than you embrace yourself …….

When you wake up with your wife
– realizing her words opens your heart to the inner most secret chambers of your soul …….

When you wake up with your wife
– realizing her truth also was true before you understood …….

When you realize her touch, words, looks, feelings, thoughts, simply her mere presence in you life heals your deepest wounds and facilitates your development and mastery in life …….

When you wake up with your wife
– realizing her love is beyond the span of this life …….

Then you realize you are married to a Goddess!

7 thoughts on “Valentine with a Goddess”

    1. Nei, vi nærmer oss 20 år som kjærester og 15 av disse som ektefeller.
      Jeg har en fantastisk kone som fortjener verdsettelsen for alt hun gjør og betyr for meg!
      Jeg ønsket å dele denne gleden etter 3 dager med Valentine markering mellom oss.


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