Tag Archives: wholeness

The sense of speech – by Andreas N. Bjørndal


Skjermbilde 2018-01-16 kl. 11.43.01

Do you want to im­prove your sense of speech? Is there a sense of speech?
You are right to ask if there re­ally ex­ists a sense of speech or a sense of words. A sense is used when we per­ceive some­thing but be­fore men­tal rea­son­ing is ac­ti­vated. Is recog­ni­tion of speech a men­tal ac­tiv­ity only putting sounds to­gether? These are sub­tle steps that we will ex­plore in this ar­ti­cle.


Let us start with Lu­cas my dog. He knows dif­fer­ent com­mands like sit, wait, quiet, role over etc. He un­der­stands if we say “……. is com­ing” talk­ing about some­one ap­proach­ing the door. Also if we say the word “see” he starts to look around. He know the names of each mem­ber in the fam­ily even the tur­tle named Molly. I can ask him; where is Molly? He will search her and show me where she is hid­ing. So, in ad­di­tion to hear­ing sounds, he per­ceives words. Only an­i­mals at a cer­tain level of de­vel­op­ment can do that. Still, Lu­cas can­not speak these words. The same goes for small chil­dren they start to per­ceive words be­fore they can say them or use them.

Let us take an­other ex­am­ple. You travel to a coun­try where you do not know the lan­guage and you can lis­ten to peo­ple speak­ing but do not un­der­stand a word. If you lis­ten care­fully, you will start to per­ceive cer­tain words as fa­mil­iar to words you know in your own lan­guage or you will re­late them to set­tings and ac­tions in the same way as small chil­dren learn a lan­guage from ex­pe­ri­ence. You start to recog­nise a set of words and still, you do not un­der­stand the mean­ing of the sen­tence.

The sense of speech, word or lan­guage is the abil­ity to per­ceive mean­ing through your lan­guage. This is more than just hear­ing. Imag­ine you live with mon­keys and grad­u­ally you learn to per­ceive sounds mean­ing; dan­ger, food, spi­der, snake, en­emy etc. Then you per­ceive the mean­ing as well as the sound.

This is a more sub­tle level than just hear­ing sounds. This is ad­di­tion­ally an un­der­stand­ing. You can un­der­stand the mean­ing, wishes, in­ten­tions or warn­ings of the other per­son.

There is also a lan­guage in ges­tures and mim­ics that is closely re­lated. We can learn to read body lan­guage or face ex­pres­sions. Here we see how dif­fer­ent po­si­tions and phys­i­cal pos­tures speak to us. Some­times the body lan­guage tells us that the ex­pressed mean­ing is not com­pletely in tune with the feel­ing of the per­son. They say they are open to some­thing but also cross their arms at the same time as they say it. You right away get scep­ti­cal or at one level or an­other you ques­tion the re­al­ity of what they say.

The body lan­guage can be the other per­son nod­ding, say­ing “yes … yes … yes” as you speak. The per­son could also be lean­ing for­ward and even abrupt you with “I see” “I un­der­stand” or “agree” even be­fore you have fin­ished the sen­tence. Such feed­back can be very dis­turb­ing.

If that is the case, you feel the other per­son is not lis­ten­ing to you. You rather have a per­son sit­ting there look­ing steady at you re­ceiv­ing your words and body lan­guage com­pletely as they sit mo­tion­less and en­velop and per­ceive you com­pletely. To re­ally lis­ten to some­one and per­ceive their lan­guage, you have to learn to stop mov­ing. The sense of mo­tion (Read here about the sense of mo­tion) and the sense of lan­guage are op­po­site. The more you move the more noise and dis­tur­bance. If you can sit quiet you can per­ceive much deeper.

Mov­ing and ges­tic­u­lat­ing is lan­guage. When the other per­son is mov­ing as you talk, it is just as they in­ter­rupt you with a kind of talk­ing. Some­times, I have to gen­tly re­mind my pa­tients about this and ask them to be silent. It could be by putting my chair closer to them, gen­tly touch­ing their shoul­der or giv­ing them an ex­er­cise not to nod or re­spond as I ex­plain the ex­er­cise. As I do this I ask them to pay at­ten­tion to the qual­ity of my voice. And I will change my voice from be­ing metal­lic, sharp com­ing from my fore­head, to go down into my throat again and be­come more soft and broad. Then fi­nally I will let it go all the way down to my belly, en­velop­ing the whole per­son as I am fill­ing the room with my pres­ence and voice. Of­ten, I will have to re­mind the pa­tients many times not to nod, or make a sound or move their hands or feet. When I then get silent they can feel the space we have cre­ated that makes us lis­ten at a much deeper level, and they also can lis­ten at that level. (Read more about si­lence in the linked ar­ti­cles be­low)

At this level, you per­ceive the mean­ing much deeper and eas­ier. This shows how ges­tures and lan­guage are closely con­nected. Even deeper the ges­tures and body lan­guage is dif­fer­ent in dif­fer­ent cul­tures. Some­times you can see just from the way a per­son moves their eth­nic­ity. Even more ob­vi­ous is it that you can see it in the body phys­iog­nomy. The eyes of Asian or north­ern cul­tures, the mouth of Africans are just some ex­am­ples. It can also be re­lated to the way dif­fer­ent styles of mu­sic stim­u­lates us to move in dif­fer­ent ways ac­cord­ing to dif­fer­ent stiles. Some stiles of mu­sic, par­tic­u­larly folk mu­sic can eas­ily re­flect their ge­o­graphic re­gion of ori­gin. Some stiles are also re­lated to spe­cific times in his­tory.

There is a con­nec­tion here be­tween ex­pres­sions of dif­fer­ent peo­ple, their phys­iog­nomy and the lan­guages of the coun­tries. There is a lan­guage be­hind form, shape, move­ment and sound. There is even a con­nec­tion with the land­scape you live in an your lan­guage or di­alect.

I re­mem­ber as a young kid recog­nis­ing the sim­i­lar­ity in the faces of peo­ple hav­ing the same name or sim­i­lar sounds in their names, al­most as the sounds use to name or call upon them formed and shaped them. Also some­times par­ents wait to de­cide a name un­til they see the baby, to see if he or she looks like they could have that name.

From a spir­i­tual per­spec­tive we speak about a folk soul, or archangel that makes a na­tional aware­ness. Hu­mans needed to reach a cer­tain level of de­vel­op­ment be­fore we could go be­yond the old city-state and form na­tions. A na­tion is a higher holon than a city. Unit­ing na­tions as U.S., or EU is even a higher holon to­wards the holon of the whole world and whole hu­man kind. To­gether every part rep­re­sents dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions, flavours, colours, sounds put to­gether in pat­terns we mostly recog­nise sub-con­scious.

Grow­ing up on the coun­try­side in Nor­way I re­mem­ber peo­ple talk­ing about dif­fer­ent fam­i­lies and qual­i­ties they had through gen­er­a­tions as the most ob­vi­ous thing.

As we hu­mans evolve our cir­cle of ac­tion be­comes big­ger and ex­pands. From the womb, to the in­side of the house, out into the gar­den, to the vil­lage, and step by step out into the world. Some of us are afraid of leav­ing our house, some will never leave their vil­lage, oth­ers will not travel abroad.

Some peo­ple are stuck at a na­tion­al­is­tic level, rigid and can­not per­ceive the gain of unity across na­tions and cul­tures. With the in­ter­net as a dri­ver to­wards glob­al­i­sa­tion these peo­ple will be more and more chal­lenged as we grow into a world com­mu­nity.

When you are able to tran­scend that level in your­self and start to con­nect with hu­mankind as such you will start to per­ceive the lan­guage be­hind all lan­guages. The more lan­guages you know, the more you lis­ten to body lan­guage, the more you lis­ten to na­tures sounds and per­ceive the phys­iog­nomy as an ex­pres­sion, the more you start to learn the lan­guage be­hind all lan­guages; the lan­guage of mean­ing, shape and form.

You will start to per­ceive the qual­ity of each sound and the shapes and pro­por­tions. We are head­ing back to this kind of aware­ness, as we had in the past, but then in a more un­con­scious way. I strongly be­lieve that on the way in the his­tor­i­cal de­vel­op­ment to­wards the first al­pha­bets some peo­ple still had this per­cep­tion. They knew how to form and shape ac­cord­ing to prin­ci­ples of mean­ing. Some al­pha­bets seem cre­ated ac­cord­ing to such un­der­stand­ing (Read here about the he­brew al­pha­bet as one ex­am­ple)

The po­lar­ity be­tween the sense of move­ment and the sense of speech can also be seen as a po­lar­ity be­tween frag­ments and whole­ness. At one end you have a lot of dif­fer­ent sounds, let­ter shapes or words at the other end you per­ceive the small frag­ments as a mean­ing­ful whole.

There is re­search show­ing that ex­er­cises with rhythm will make kids per­ceive lan­guage bet­ter. Rhytm has a good bal­ance be­tween frag­ments and whole­ness.

The sense of speech or lan­guage is a higher sense a more ad­vanced sense that we do not see in all an­i­mals and that de­vel­ops as the child gets older. A wise old per­son can lis­ten to a young per­son hav­ing ques­tions or frus­tra­tions and al­ready know the an­swer still wait­ing or not even an­swer­ing, know­ing it will hap­pen, or be un­der­stood in due course.

You could also call this sense the sense of mean­ing or sense of semi­ol­ogy. As this sense if de­vel­oped you un­der­stand the lan­guage of sym­bols, shapes and forms both ab­stract and in na­ture more and more.

A good ex­er­cise is to taste words be­fore you use them, try­ing to go be­hind the an­swers of peo­ple you talk with and chal­lenge how much you per­ceive, ask them if it is right how you un­der­stand it, or just look at geo­met­ric fig­ures and see what they tell you. Lis­ten to the sea, the wind and the woods.

Read other articles on integrative medicine here.
Overview of main groups of articles here

Here are some re­lated ar­ti­cles
Hush hush lis­ten
Si­lence, peace and noth­ing­ness
Let go
The sense of mo­tion or pro­pri­o­cep­tion
Mind the gap
Let­ters, pic­tograms and ar­che­types

When all is well the sense of life gives you comfort – Andreas N. Bjørndal

Skjermbilde 2017-10-16 kl. 14.10.45.png

How are you?  How do you feel?  Is every­thing okay? These are ques­tions we of­ten ask each other. Yes, you can sense how you feel.

In this se­ries about our senses, we will now look at the sense of life or well-be­ing (You can find links to the other ar­ti­cles at the bot­tom of this one).

When one of your body parts or or­gans makes you aware of their pres­ence you know some­thing is wrong. If none of your body parts are talk­ing to you, and if you can per­ceive the whole body as rested, loaded and re­freshed, you feel well and ready for life.

In med­i­ta­tion there are dif­fer­ent steps. When you have reached a state of bod­ily peace and re­lax­ation and you per­ceive the aware­ness of a vi­tal field, the etheric or vi­tal body pen­e­trat­ing and en­velop­ing your body rather than the phys­i­cal body it­self then you are in con­tact with the sense of life. You per­ceive the whole leg, the whole arm or the whole body with this sense. It gives you a feel­ing of be­ing a unity and in­te­grated whole­ness. You could say it makes you aware of your­self as a holon, a unique whole­ness.

When you are well this sense gives you the feel­ing of hav­ing re­sources, hav­ing a se­cure base from where you can face the chal­lenges and prob­lems in life. You could com­pare it to loaded bat­ter­ies.

To feel well you need to get enough sleep, be in na­ture, nour­ish your­self and have a rhythm in your life. You can in­crease the feel­ing of life with nice sur­prises and hu­mour. You should early each day make some­thing spe­cial to look for­ward to that day, some­thing that builds up an an­tic­i­pa­tion and ex­pec­ta­tion but that you do not get right away.

Lis­ten to you body, re­mem­ber what makes it feel well, choose the healthy choice and the sense of well be­ing will tell you that you are get­ting health­ier and more vi­tal. The sense of life gives you a feel­ing of com­fort when all is well.

You are re­ally deep within your­self when you sense your well-be­ing or life.

Read about the other senses here:
The eye a ques­tion of per­spective 

Jus­tice a mat­ter of nose

Love comes out of the mouth

The sense of touch is the foun­da­tion of kind­ness

Do we have a sixth sense or more (about the sense of move­ment)

Read other articles on integrative medicine here.

Overview of main groups of articles here

Read about health and well-be­ing here:

The Clap­ping Hands of God

Holonis­tic ther­apy and guid­ance

Your health is your po­ten­tial to evolve

Be im­pres­sively ex­pres­sive with the three trea­sures

Prob­lem solver num­ber one

Or ex­plore the blog holonity.com



Why holonity?  – suggesting a new concept.

holon (Greek ὅλον, holon neuter form of ὅλος, holos “whole”) is a word coined by Arthur Koesler in his book The Ghost in the Machine (1967, p. 48) and is used as a concept for something that is a whole and a part at the same time.

And organ is a part of the human organism, but a wholeness in itself. A cell is a part of an organ but a wholeness in itself. Both are wholeness and parts at the same time, a holon.

When you try to understand the uniqueness or personality of a person you take the whole person into account and are looking for qualities or features that are prominent and strong. Or qualities that repeat themselves. He is just so …….., She really is ……, It is typical for him….. . This could be like a mountain or huge lake in the personal landscape. It could represent something strange, rare or peculiar. That would be something unique or dominant.

But it could also be a characteristic feature running through the whole landscape. Like comparing the Norwegian woods with Pina and Spruce to the Amazones or Tundra. In a person that would be a feature running through different aspects or a concepts that can embrace and include other concepts, or qualities that can be recognized in different expressions. What we would call a pattern, an essence or a read tread.

Holonity is the degree of unity in the wholeness. The degree of connection between the parts of a holon in a unified understanding, or conceptualization. The oneness in the wholeness. The unifying red tread. The qualitative feature running through a given quantity. What in a human can be called an essence, a read tread or sometimes her constitution, his personality, her individuality or type.

In the therapeutic field, the ability to connect all the parts, symptoms, manifestations of phenomena in a human and her life into a meaningful theme, or pattern can be very useful. The holonity is the degree of unity that is achieved.

This blogg is about holonity in different fields of knowledge.

In the picture above nature comes very close to a mathematical formula, a fractal that repeats the same pattern into every part of the whole, e.g a high degree of holonity.