The Eye – a question of perspective – by Andreas N. Bjørndal

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Imag­ine you have to move from one place to an­other and only use one of your senses. Which would you use? You would not taste, touch or smell your way for­ward. You might use the ears in a few rare cases, but the best, quick­est, and safest sense when you move around is vi­sion.

Hence mo­tion and vi­sion are tightly con­nected. When life starts to move it must know some­thing about its sur­round­ings not to col­lide, fall off a cliff, walk into the mouth of your en­emy or other dan­gers.

In the art of the old cul­tures pic­tures were flat. They had no per­spec­tive. With per­spec­tive in draw­ing you get depth. From flat to depth, space or 3D, from stand­ing still to mov­ing or out­ward go­ing is tightly in­ter­con­nected. (Here you can read more about mov­ing about and the func­tion of The Liver)

Your two eyes rep­re­sent your abil­ity to move about, to have a per­spec­tive of your sur­round­ings, in the high­est sense you could say that your world­view and how you move about in life is a ques­tion of per­spec­tive.

If you want to change where you are head­ing you should con­sider which change of per­spec­tive that would take. It all starts with a vi­sion, an idea, or a goal. Truth is hid­den in the eyes!

Beinsa Duono wrote: The eyes al­ways must ex­press the Di­vine Truth, and the only thing in us that never lies, are the eyes. The eyes must show the Di­vine Truth.

We also say the eyes are the mir­ror of the soul, they re­flect you in a truth­ful way, your soul be­hind the outer mask comes out and for­ward through your eyes.

From a spir­i­tual per­spec­tive where every­thing is aware­ness and mat­ter is just a veil of il­lu­sions, the eyes can even be seen as the means of your spirit to act upon the ex­ter­nal spir­i­tual world or the aware­ness of oth­ers.

Like in the same mean­ing as in the bible when is says; GOD saw it was good or the LORD turn his face to­ward you or lifts up his coun­te­nance on you and give you peace.

Vi­sion is not a re­cep­tive act in these ex­am­ples. It is an out­ward go­ing ac­tion of bless­ing, giv­ing peace by re-con­nect­ing with the real thing the real truth, the real per­spec­tive.

Read other articles on integrative medicine here.
Here you can read more about mov­ing about and the func­tion of The Liver
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