Category Archives: Holonistic knowledge

There are many ways of knowing like; sense perception, emotion, reason, language, intuition, imagination, faith and memory.
All these are different ways we gain knowledge. We have developed, refined and tested a new way of knowing. We call it holonistic knowledge. You can read more about it in posts under this category.

Topaz – the tenth holonistic gemstone exploration

On Thursday of November 2015 we explored Topaz.

Topaz is a gemstone of power, strength and clear borders!

Skjermbilde 2015-12-17 kl. 13.00.41

Topaz gives clarity, strength and peace, it connects you with your inner core, it straightens your back and gives you will power to perform when things are overwhelming or chaotic with too many tasks or if you are a victim of unexpected attacks, confrontations or terror.

It is a good gemstone to connect with in the midst of terror and calamities, when you face struggles that seems overpowering, when things seems to fall apart or you are attacked by destructive forces, or simply situations that needs clarity, strength and focus.

It could be abuse, being bullied or terror attacks. It could be an accident, sudden loss, or panic that something terrible is about to happen. Topaz gives you the inner strength to stay vigilant, strong, centred, focused, clear with good borders and at peace. Topaz makes you act like an example, with virtue nobility and mastery.

Overview and communication
Many of the gemstones have shown us how they come with an inner state of peace and clarity. Topaz also has this calmness. It connects you with a higher perspective so you can see above chaos and stay peaceful, vigilant and determined during attacks. This makes it a good stone when you need to confront, take part in a debate, are in a power struggle with someone or are in a conflict were you need to express something with clarity, peace and determination.

Borders and connections
Topaz gives you strong borders, but can also pull apart borders that from a higher perspective limits you or hold you back. It can also open borders that have made a distance between you and others.

It has been used to give stability, fidelity and ever lasting love in relationships, but also to resolve problems with the closest family and friends.
It can reconnect you with old friends, not necessarily to continue a connection but it will clarify the relation, and leave it in a peaceful state.

Topaz makes you realize that certain borders might be necessary on a lower level even if you open the borders on a higher level. It can also help you terminate a relationship when it is destructive for your further development, leaving it in a determined, clear and peaceful state.

When borders or structures prevent the establishment of a higher purpose, of the real you to be, Topaz will help you establish new structures, even if the consequence will be tearing down something to give place to the new.

To be just is to conduct your life in the right way, manifests justice and to what is right. This creates a correct structure that makes borders towards the unjust or incorrect. Conducting you life in accordance with a higher purpose, will break borders that holds things back, it might threaten structures and persons that then might attack you. Topaz helps you fight the right battles with peaceful determination.

There is a justice in Topaz, that comes forward as a good balance between right or wrong, meant to be or meant to pas, between the constructive or destructive, the attack and protective border, that is resolved in a harmoniously peaceful way.
It takes away the delusion that you are being attacked by evil, terror, destruction or violence, and gives you peace in mind and the perspective that you might even be the strong one, servant of a higher purpose, the one moving barriers, tearing away borders long meant to go.

This strength and power can be scary for many. Topaz helps you to conduct it in a centred, considerate, good and gentle way.

Clarity and emerging
It gives a clarification or purification in the relationship as if the higher more spiritual reality taking hold on you and lifting you up or bringing things into clarity.

Things that are under the surface, in the unconscious or are hidden from you will surface and appear as you become aware of them with Topaz. It is as much you broadening your horizon, your perception, putting light on things that have been hidden in the sub- or unconscious.

It you feel things are hidden from you, Topaz will help things come forward into the light.


Physical aspects

Feeling blocked or closed or open and connected
Feeling centred in the heart

Unease, restless

Sore, sides
As if something radiates out of the belly

Weak – strong
The Sacrum or lowest part of the back gets stronger, pulled forwards, as when the abdominals contract (rectus abdominus) and you push the genitals forward. So it will help for the opposite where your lumbar back is weak and you have sway back.

Icy cold feet


Chemical composition: AI2 (SiO4)(F, OH)2 aluminum hydroxyl fluoro.
The Fluor element could be behind the quality of borders and hardness on one side and invation and breaking old structures on the other side. Experients with Flour containing remedies in homeopathy have this qualities in common.

Topaz comes from Sanskrit “tapas”, meaning “fire”, “austerity” or “discipline”. It comes from the root “Tap” which translates “to burn”. It can be understood as “passion”, “fiery discipline”, “fiery courage” burning away obstructions and impurities on all levels, opening the ground for mastery.
Pliny thought its origins was from, the location where it was found together with other gems in Egyptian times, Topazos Islands.

Prayer to Archangel Michael
One of the participants quoted this appropriate prayer;
Oh Michael, with all my heart I surrender to your protection, to your leadership, so this day may be an image of your will of creating order into destiny (Free translation)

The daily meditation from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Thursday November 26 , 2015
The daily meditation from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov the same day as wwe performed the Topaz holonistic exploration fitted perfectly with the theme of Topaz:

« Why do so many remarkable people arouse such terrible enmities? Because the dark forces they have expelled from their inner world return to attack them, but from the outside, through those who find their qualities, virtues and strength of character upsetting and disturbing. People who lead an ordinary life, on the other hand, do not upset or disturb anyone, and everyone is happy with them.

It is not easy to confront the outer enemies, but they are less dangerous than the inner ones. With the outer enemies, you have to use kindness, gentleness and patience, whereas with the inner enemies, you require firmness, authority and severity. Unfortunately, most people tend to do the opposite instead: they are patient and lenient towards their inner enemies, so keeping them alive, but they are extremely severe towards their outer enemies, who of course retaliate. So is it surprising if they continue to struggle with inextricable difficulties? » Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Ruby – The holonistic gemstone exploration – Christmas 2015 – by Andreas N. Bjørndal

We explored Ruby just before Christmas 2015 – a perfect timing!

Skjermbilde 2015-12-17 kl. 13.11.43

Ruby and fire
Synchronicity can be a wonderful experience, an experience of coherence. The coherence of Ruby and Christmas became clear to us as we performed the holonistic experience of Ruby on 17 of December 2015.

Ruby took us to a warm cosy place as we approached the darkest night and days of the winter. It made us think of the state of the foetus lying in the warm belly completely united with the mother, or a state like sitting in a small cosy cabin in the middle of the ice cold snow laid mountains in the dark winter night while enjoying the warm heat from the fire place and the warm feelings of closeness to the loved ones or even a deep unconditional love to the whole human kind.

Sitting there looking at the fire place, you see the black or charcoal grey surface of the wood logs hiding the radiating heat and warmth that connects all the logs and warms up the whole room and the whole cabin. As you see beyond the black grey surface you realize that the heat on a deep level has the same source, it was already connected. Let us explore.

The source of fire
The heat and light from the wood logs is the sun returning and rejoicing in its regained freedom after being structured into the wood, the spirits from the sun penetrate every aspect of the wood. Science reduces this magic process to photosynthesis, but it is more than just chemistry. What to us seems fragmented, is deeply connected, it is the same spirit coming forward with different aspects. Even all the suns (e.g. stars) radiate from separate spots. Despite the enormous distance between them the radiate the same creative force, the force that started in the Big Bang. All stars are deeply connected, and all the heat from the fire place is the same, manifesting through each log of wood.

It is this deep connection that we do not see, but we can resonate, that we start to realize as a direct experience under the influence of Ruby. You get reconnected yourself with the source of life and love and light.

Ruby warms up our heart and soul and reminds us of the affection and love we have to the closest circles, or family and friends, but it goes deeper and deeper and carries the gift of uniting with all human kind, all living beings and the whole universe.

Ruby is the perfect gemstone for Christmas, with its red colour and the focus and deep connection to the beloved friends and family as well as the love, care and benevolence for everyone.

As we aim to understand Ruby in a holonistic way the core can often be easiest understood as a polarity. In Ruby the polarity is between being frozen out into the cold or completely accepted and warmly included as your closest family.

This split also tells us that Ruby takes away the illusion of being excluded, separated, being out in the cold, being dead, or isolated. It does this by connecting us to what is behind, what was before and what is beneath.

Aker – he who is beneath
In isolation or the cold of the winter, in the darkest of nights Ruby reconnects you with the heat that created us all. The heat that still is there in the sun, in the centre of the earth as well as in the bone marrow. The bone marrow is the source of the red blood that gives us life and connects all the cells in our body. Beneath all that is manifested there is the same source of fire, of life and heat. This is the warmth of love that connects us all, the creative fire of the spirit.

This internal persistent warmth reconnects you with the inner world, the world of dreams and of spirit. It reconnects you with the fire of the spirit, and also gives you strong vivid dreams. What seems to be darkness has a hidden fire within that Ruby helps you to remember. It could be the night where the treasure of the dreams come forward, it could be the isolation where the deeper connection to human kind is revealed, it could be the darkest nights of the winter where the inner rebirth of the spirit, the true meaning of Christmas is given as a gift.

Ruby has the ability to show you eternal life where death seems present, to give inner warmth when you are alone in the cold, to remember the intimate love for your closest when the daily routine is killing the relation, to focus on forgiveness and generosity rather than obstinate stubbornness, to focus on the importance of being present in the moment when you encounter fellow humans instead of keeping running and already being on the way to the next step.

Ruby reminds you of the deeper things, the more important – the things under the horizon, that which is beneath, behind and before.

Imagine a gently blow on the wood log and the burning fire reappears with its redness and radiating heat and you have a good picture of what Ruby does. It reconnects you with the source and it also helps the true you appear where you might have retracted or hid in the darkness.

This is the time of the year where the year comes to and end and a new year is about to start. The theme of death and rebirth also came forward in our exploration. Christmas is the birth of Christ, as the old years is fading and a new is born.

The ancient roman God Janus, the two faced God has give the name to doorways (januae) and archways (jani) as well as January. In old Rome Janus was invoked as the first of any gods in regular liturgies. He represented the beginning of all cycles (day, month, and year). He was celebrated on January 9, the Agonium.

Skjermbilde 2015-12-24 kl. 11.32.11

His tradition probably arrived from Egypt and the God Aker. Aker was the God of the horizon. He was called “He who´s beneath” Akes was represented as two lions facing opposite directions. One lion was representing yesterday (duaj) and the other tomorrow (sefer).

Skjermbilde 2015-12-24 kl. 11.34.30

At the point between the last year and the year to come, at the point where the manifest disappears into the night of the un-manifested to reappear again, we find Aker.

Aker was first depicted as the torso of a recumbent lion with a widely opened mouth. This reminds us of Janus and his association with doorways and archways. Here at this point is the wide open mouth, the gate to the other side. In summer and light all is about the manifested external world, in the dark of the night or the winter we are at the closest to the open mouth, the gate to the other side ”He who´s beneath” as the name Aker signifies.

This is an important key to Ruby but also an aspect of many gemstones, the ability to connect you with a state where there is no past or present, where there is just manifested potential, the potential behind all creation. A state before things are split into before and after, heat and cold or any other polarity, a state where the female and male aspects of every human being are still one. As you re-enter the connection with your own spirit, you also reconnect with your anima or animus, you become aware of the unconscious and the two aspects of day and night unite in you.

Ruby connects you with this state deep beneath where you also reconnect with those that has passed to the other side, it reunites you with the loved ones that has tread out of the time. It puts you in a state where you find peace with old enemies, where you forgive those that has trespassed or done you harm. If you live in a relation where things have become permanently frozen or become blocked between you and your partner, brother or sister, parent or child, neighbour or college or any other person, Ruby reminds you of the warmth that was and helps you blow on the wood log and find back to tender love and care.

Where you are stuck, rigid, blocked or obstinate it makes you again open up, feel the warmth, connection and flow.

In this time of Christmas Ruby remind us all of the gift of reconnection, of opening the gate to the original love that connects us all




Some synchronicities with Ruby
The climate deal in Paris
The new reconciliation between US and Russia.
New ministers in Norway, some came in to the warmth, others went out in the cold
Batteries that went on fire
Accepting women as equal, supporting women




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Peridot (Chrysolite) 8. th holonistic gemstone exploration – Andreas N. Bjørndal

The 24. th of September 2015 we explored the gemstone Peridot


Peridot was earlier named Chrysolite. Chrysolite has confusingly also been used to name other stones and this name has hence been abandoned. Peridot is the crystalline part of the stone Olivine.

It is a green stone a Silica dioxide with Magnesium and Iron content. The old Egyptians got it from the island Zagbargad, (also called Topaze or St John´s Island). And the stone was often confounded with the more famous green gemstone Emerald (We explored emerald in the spring 2015 – read here).

Peridot has also been called Evening Emerald and Crusaders Emerald, since the crusaders brought it back with them.

The holonistic exploration of Peridot revealed its fine qualities and subtle nature.

Lightness as opposed to materialism or gravitation
It has a lightness that brought us into a state where the hold of gravity and the earth felt like it disappeared. It felt like this heaviness called gravity swiftly evaporated and was instantly gone.


Peridot lifted us up to a higher state where we felt nothing material holding us back or restricting us. This was a state where each of us merged into a higher unit, a higher whole, a higher holon. Peridot created a state where nothing anymore was isolating us or making us feel estranged from this higher unity. We were left with a peaceful energetic feeling of acceptance and presence.

The lightness in Peridot also easily dissolves what holds you down or keeps you stuck in the past, it makes you let go of the past disagreements, making it easier to move on.

If you are stuck in material possessions it makes you understand that we in reality own nothing. All we say belongs to us has sooner or later been taken or given from the external or internal world

If you purchase expensive things Peridot might even leave you with a feeling that it was completely unnecessary, or even like you regressed back to the material world.

The real reality – the origin of it all
What is not real, in the sense of being close to the source of creation, coming from the spiritual inner life becomes unimportant or even meaningless under the influence of Peridot. Through this connection with the real source Peridot helps you to see the limitations in the ordinary perspective most people have in the modern world.
It makes you question materialism, the academic approach, the flat digital world, or any other superficiality.

Modern research seems to have become a golden calf, a new religion, a scientism. The struggle towards objective truth has resulted in a chaotic cacophony of fragmented facts. To make sense out of them, you again need to introduce the subject. Let me explain.

Take a substance like coffee and look at all the research you can find, and ask yourself if you got much wiser? Ask if there are other ways of knowledge that would give you a deeper understanding of coffee? (This blog is dedicated to exploring one such approach, the holonistic way to knowledge). In the modern world experience has lost its value, it is subjective. But if you collected the experience of 20 people drinking coffee, you might get as valuable information for the importance of coffee to your life – I promise to write a blog on that. If you experience the deeper state, the real state that Peridot takes you too, you have to use your subject and you realize the limitations of any objective approach.

The original real world has lost its value for many people today. In cyber you can fly and transform things. You are a flat-screened magician. Many people and particularly young people are lost in the cyber world. (Read more here Which world are you living in?).

Peridot like all gemstones connects you with a deeper reality, a fundamental energetic state, that has been called the world of fire, or Atziluth by the Kabbalists, it is a region of reality where creation is constantly created and sustained. If this region stopped emanating all the rest would disappear according to Kabbalah. It is a region of such stability that from the earthy perspective, past, present and future seems unchanged.

This is reflected in the gemstones. Many gemstones have this ability to connect you with this realm were you realize that the future to come is already there in the past and the present. You reach a realm were you are in a state like a crystal lattice were all direction are just repeating the same. You just are!

There is no change or causations or motion here. It is just pure being. In this state, possessions, academic knowledge or flat digital reality are all extreme reduction and illusions and become thin as paper, superficial, fragmented, short lived and volatile. This explains why you feel the hold of gravity swiftly disappearing. Or why possessions of purchases feels like a regression.

Love for others
It connects you with the future by transcending the limitations of the ego and making an awareness of the group-soul, giving it a place in your life. Making the group soul live in you. Life is alive, life is exchange, and what kind of exchanges you have with other decides what parts of yourself and others you give life to. Giving life to the group soul is acting out the benefit of a bigger whole.
Periodot lifts up your exchange with others to a subtle level, where you use the best in yourself, where you give a gentle touch, a lovely smile of support, a gaze of inspiration and admiration of the spiritual aspects of your brothers and sisters of humankind.

Peridot makes you aware of the care and love for others, it brings life to the connections with the family, with your beloved, but also broadens the circle of loved ones to include people from the periphery.


This also explains how, when conflicts or disagreements are stuck, peridot helps to dissolve, letting go and transforming the situation to create a new future with increased freedom and care by letting go of the small circle and swopping to a bigger where your ego is less important.

With Peridot you see the best most spiritual or the potential in others and you approach them with the most subtle and spiritual aspect of yourself. You become a blessing to others under the influence of Peridot, even your gaze carries the blessing of the spirit.

Flow with the genuine
If you are stuck, Peridot helps you flow again, it eases bowel movements, digestion as well as the flow of vitality, energy and spirituality. It makes the water flow. With Peridot you flow smoothly and harmoniously through situations that earlier were challenging or kept you stuck. It reconnects you with the original belonging and love to all human kind as well as life on earth and all the beings in the universe.
It makes you genuinely understand how we belong together, and hence the connection you now feel is real, truthful and congruent. It takes away any feeling of shame or not accepting of yourself or others, it brings you closer to the truth.

Affinity to lungs and upper respiratory track
Constipation, borborygmus, loose stools

Numbness, paralysis or detached
Stuck, constricted, blocked or twisted feeling
Borborygmus, loose stools and overflowing

Reappearing of old symptoms

TCM: Metal element, Lung-Colon
Archetypes: Young Boy – Mature Woman

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Aquamarine – 9. th holonistic gemstone exploration – by Andreas N. Bjørndal

Skjermbilde 2015-12-07 kl. 13.21.52

Aquamarine in short
Aquamarine, like the clear transparent blue sea unites you with an expanded perspective of reality. It calms, sooths and roots you with trust through a connection and perception of truth that is for the benefit of all. If stuck it makes it easier to let go, be it of conflict by having a truthful and benevolent communication, or by making things flow again.

It is a cyclosilicate with Beryl and Aluminium; Be3Al2Si6O18



On the of October we explored Aquamarine.
This gemstone gave us an immediate feeling of lightness, elevation and expansion. It lifted up and expanded the mind to perceive the real reality from a bigger space of perspective.

It shared with us the experience of how you can contain, surround and embrace a person and at the same time be deeply united within your deeper roots, the very core of yourself. It is like you expand yourself to also embrace the other person, entering a bigger sphere that contains you both. It is like perceiving yourself and the other from a place where you and others are within the same unit. Any intention you have from this state is about what is beneficial for a bigger whole, a higher holon.

When in this state you are resting or seated in a greater awareness both in space and time. You feel you are in the here an now, in the present, you feel you are as much yourself as you are the other. In this state exchanges and activities that define change of time and difference in location become transcended, like they did not happen. Rather than getting triggered in the exchange of words and mimics you are deeply connected within you and the other. There is no need for exchange of single thoughts or ideas when you emerge into this common mind. It is a more quiet peaceful state.

Aquamarine connects you to a place of bigger truth, with pure intentions of goodness and benefit for the All. This is a good state to connect to when you need to tell something sad, bad, critical or difficult to somebody. It is also a good gemstone to connect to when a person of authority might be telling you something about yourself or your children that is critical or an assessment that you could find challenging. Even if you are in court, aquamarine can help to connect you with a state that transcends the dispute and gives you peace of mind, security of a just outcome and a feeling of freedom from the conflict.

In situations where communication has become stuck aquamarine re-establish the flow or dissolves the conflict. It does this by connecting you with something bigger than the single parts in a conflict, a state that represent a higher purpose, perspective or truth. A truth that transcends your own and the others and that has always been there. That gives you clarity of thought and speech.

Aquamarine also helps you to express the truth, to express yourself in a caring but clear and truthful way with a smooth flow. Rather than things becoming dry, constipated, obstructed, tight, tense and full of contradiction, aquamarine gives a lightness, clarity, freedom and flow to everything.

Anything that is stuck, like if you are obstinate, constipated, dwelling in the past, when things seems heavy and challenging, aquamarine helps you to get out of that state, to make things flow, it lets you make a new start. Actually to be more precise it is not a question of restarting but of returning to the original state of freedom and life. This returning is not a regression as you take with you your gained experience, but perceive it now from a state of joy, lightness and gratitude.

Gratitude of being reconnected with the real reality, of being lifted up to a more truthful and peaceful state, of taking good choices with ease and bringing spirituality into the situation and into your daily life as such.

When connected with aquamarine, you find it natural to help friends and family and the people in your life by letting them enjoy the uplifting, by giving them gentle words, you are in a state of generosity and surplus. This also explains how aquamarine dissolves conflicts, tensions and stuck situations.

The name Aquamarine, aqua-marine is water-sea or sea water. It is likely that when it was given name, the name giver perceived its qualities. With this perspective we can understand how things too condensed and stuck, starts to flow, also the vast perspective and feeling of belonging to a bigger unit. The state of transparency, clarity and flowing are all in accord with this. As water floats so does also Aquamarine dissolves illusion that keeps you stuck. It gives you a new perspective that clarifies your mind and makes your speech and communication smooth and flowing.

The flowing, clear, transparent bluish light is common for the stone as for the name it bears.

Skjermbilde 2015-12-07 kl. 13.18.48

According to the Kabbalah the qualities of Aquamarine corresponds to the sphere of Hesed in The Tree of Life. Hesed means “loving-kindness” and is associated with Jupiter and qualities like truth, justice, expansion, vision and perspective as well as the colour blue.

We can understand aspects of Aquamarine in the polarity that is between Hesed and Hod, Jupiter and Mercury, Pieces and Virgo or Sagittarius and Gemini or Mature woman and Young boy.

All of them have a polarity between something great expansive and the small parts or fragments, or the perceiver rather than the exchanger.

Aquamarine connects you to the qualities represented by Hesed. Aquamarine makes it easier to reconnect with a higher purpose, meditate, establish a sacred sanctuary in your home, a regular spiritual practice etc.

Instead of being stuck in the fragments of Hod, misunderstandings, chaos and restlessness it reunites you with an expanded perception that roots and grounds you to the spiritual world with truthful, genuine peace.

Gemstones and Atziluth
The holonistic explorations of 2015 has shown us that with all the gemstones you get in touch with a state that is more basic, original or even more static, but it is in a peaceful and expanded way. If you imagine the lattice of a crystal moving up or down, left or right it is all the same, movement does not make a difference. It is like all these states unite into a common state that connects them all, or like being in a state where any motion or activity is a manifestation of that potential you are connected with. Even if minerals are crude, and not so developed as the other kingdoms, they seem to be in touch with a more original state. You could compare it with the paradox of evolution and involution. They are both less evolved as well as less involved. They are closer to the emanation of creation. They still have the connection with the creative fire. This world of emanation the world of fire is called Atziluth in Kabbalah.

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Flow – stuck
Let go – hold on
Trust/surrender – Tension/deadline
Justice – injustice
Peace – restlessness
Lightness – heaviness
Playful – serious
Potential – manifested
Generosity – sadness
Truth – lie
Consolidation – conflict
Connected – disconnected
Soothing – quarrelling
Wet – dry
Blue – yellow

One sided
Left side
One-sided pain; left or right


Pressure in the third eye
Ear – membrane

Loss of voice
Throat infection
Sore and dry in throat and pharynx.

Stiffness in shoulders

Pain in gallbladder
Abdominal rumbling, load

Heel pains

Desire, coconut, sweets, healthy sweets
Aversion sugar

Takes away delusion of separation, misunderstand, dispute or disagreement

There where situations with confusion if mobiles and computers were open or closed, black or light on screens at wrong times and questions if things had been published or not online.

Incidences of water pipelines that broke, that could not hold the pressure anymore and water flowing.

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Carnelian – 7. th holonistic gemstone exploration – by Andreas N. Bjørndal

The of August 2015 we explored the gemstone Carnelian

Skjermbilde 2015-09-23 kl. 11.20.51

Carnelian is also a Silica dioxide as some of the other explorations we have done in 2015. In addition it contains Iron. It might just be from the Iron in Carnelian that it connects us with the power and initiative for a new start.

We explored Iron in 2008 and many experienced a force and energy that was new to them. We were filled with industriousness but the polarity of weakness and despair was also present. There was in Iron a polarity between heat, redness, heaviness, and a foggy feeling in contrast to a cold clear sharpness, and self-assertiveness on the edge of becoming hostile was also present.

With the element of Iron in it we can understand how Carnelian gives you the power to initiate and start your future life just now, how it gives courage and initiative. In Carnelian this is not an egocentric driven force, but a more collective unifying approach opening the heart to connect with a broader group, your crowd, nation or human kind.

When in a place of calamity, struggling, poverty or war Carnelian gives you the power to persist, survive, to find your way or solution. It takes away the illusion of being alone and makes you realize we are together in the same boat. The synchronicity of the refugees over the Mediterranean hit us all during the exploration of this gemstone.

It is a reminder that we are united, we belong together. This feeling of unification is also a feeling that many of the thousands of refugees walking day and night through Europe over the last weeks and months must have felt in the middle of despair. A despair that has made them take steps to open a new door where a new life is chosen. Initiating a new beginning. Also all the people opening there life, home and time for the human kind has opened the door to a new start of a bigger circle, opening their hearts. Many people in many countries share food and water, carpets and cloths. People collect boxes with cloths and toys to support and help people get a new start as they have left all there belongings. Many of them lost all they had in the calamities of war. The loss, or voluntary abandoning a home with its things touched upon another aspect of Carnelian.

Most of us live in illusions of having possessions, having things that belong to us. It could be a flat, a house, a car or ideas, songs or art-work we have created. At one point somebody took it from nature! At some point some human mind got inspired from within or above. All we have are the gifts of nature. It comes either from the earth, the sun or the inner nature. Nothing is ours. It is given to us to take care of, to use with care, respect and gratitude. Carnelian helps us to realise that all those things are not limited to being ours they are there for us all to share.

Carnelian takes away the delusion of possessions. Carnelian warms the heart to a unifying force making us share and stand together. Together we make everybody stronger, we make everybody richer. Together there is plenty for everyone and the heart can rejoice in charity.

It heals the deep sorrow of loneliness of not belonging or not being able to enjoy the goods of life and nature. It creates the awareness and need or earning to unite in a bigger community or group, with the whole human kind or all life on earth. It makes us realise we are one and the same.

When you feel the same love for everybody as for your close ones, you can say you know Carnelian in its full extent, in the debt of your heart.

We always belonged together, but the ego forgot, it took things and said it is mine, my country, my property, my house, my car, my family, my wife, my myself. With Carnelian this “mine” is turned into “ours”, it is helping us let go of what we hold on to as ours, and it is helping us to reconnect with the gifts of nature.

As in all the gemstones there is a silent, peaceful, solid, motionless conviction that the order to be, the order that always was there, is on its way back to what it always was. Carnelian takes away delusion of separation, loneliness and belonging, making us realise we always were a human kind, a family of beloved brothers and sisters. We were always a family where we shared all the riches of nature.

Even war, calamity, loss, accidents and catastrophes will in the perspective of Carnelian be seen as release towards this state of common unity, or extended human family. Carnelian makes you realize that a long history of conflicts and separation is just a process of making the ones of us still holding to possession realize we have to share.


As with any substance there were some polarities

Hope – Despair

New/start/future – Old/ending/past

Alone/ego – Community/us

Jealousy – Solidarity

Dry – Humid

Autonomy – Suppression

Control – Let go
At the deepest level Carnelian takes away not only the illusion of the ego or its possessions but also of a homeland or even being an individual person as it opens the door to a bigger holon of being just one of many smaller holons in the brother and sisterhood of man.

For the homeopath

Carnelian with its contents of Iron is an important remedy to differentiate with Ferrum and its salts. The determined perseverance, struggle and even themes of wars and battle are present in both. Where Ferrum is more down to earth, struggling and performing, there is an element of altruism, spirituality and higher purpose that is stronger in Carnelian. With its Silica content from group 14 in the periodic table, Carnelian has the theme of “the door” more present, enabling it to go completely new ways, while Ferrum has the strength (or weakness), industrious, hard working endurance to start but more to take on and carry (ferrum = carry) on to the end.

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Agate – holonistic gemstone exploration

Here is a short blog on Agate, followed by a deeper article for the reader that wants to explore Agate in a broader perspective. The article gives a unified perception on very different aspects of life.

The exploration of Agate took part on of June 2015.

AGATE – short version
Agate is a unique an easy gemstone to recognize even if it comes in many variations and colours.

Skjermbilde 2015-06-05 kl. 09.05.43

It is one of the nice stones we get from Silica. Agate is a silicon dioxide (SiO). We have already explored Amethyst and Jasper, but also Citrine, Topaz, Hellotrope, Carnelian, Onyx and Opal are all made from Silica.

The picture above shows some typical Agate nodes that have been cut in halves or in slices.

Inside the nodes that are created in volcanic rock, these bubbles of the volatile elements deposit layers. These layers create the nice stripes, the main characteristic of Agate. This is like the layers of Russian Matrjosjka dolls, or layers of existence.

Skjermbilde 2015-06-05 kl. 09.47.48
This picture shows the similarity between the layers of Agate, the Matrjosjka dolls and layers of the human aura. We also can use this analogy for the layers in the atom, or in the expanding areas of action for the little baby; from the womb to the cradle, house, garden, village, country and whole world. (More about this in the article that follows)

This process where volatile substances condense and become rock, represents the very core of the qualities in this gemstone. In Agate the shapeless, formless hot gases condense or crystalize into fixed structured solid rock. They materialise into solidity. The dynamic forces in nature becomes fixed into a dead structure, or an analogous world where things float into each other seamless in a continuum becomes layered, fractioned and digitalized. Agate is created by hot, dynamic, volcanic gas bubbles condensing from the inner surface and in this way materialize layer by layer into a fixed structure.

Agate creates a connection between the formed, shaped, fixed, structured aspects of existence and the living creating forces that are behind everything. Like a meeting point or two way process in equilibrium between what the alchemist called Solve & Coagula.

Skjermbilde 2015-07-10 kl. 16.55.55

In this way Agate helps you to dissolve false structures, false expectations that shape and hold you in a fixed frame. Your own delusions of must, have to, should, all the modal verbs. It releases you from having to do things that are based on your upbringing, your past, the expectations or demands from society and other people. It dissolves structures and let them become adjustable.
That gives you the ability to live out your true potential in full freedom from others. It gives you the freedom to feel the inner potential and let that stabilize into a new structure.

With softness it dissolves what holds you back from progressing and helps the potential that still is not manifested come forward in your life and condense, incarnate, and give you the structure you are becoming.

As a summary you can say that the potential that always was there, your inner truth, from the highest aspects of creation comes in with its fire and dissolves lies, what has become stuck and rigid, so the real you again can come forward and manifest!

This ends the short version.

AGATE ARTICLE – extended version, for you who want to see it from a broader perspective

The holonistic knowledge we gathered from Agate can be understood much broader if we look into some very varied approaches to reality.

Let us in this perspective explore some central aspects of physics, epistemology, psychology, genetics and evolution, to better understand the process in Agate.

It will give us a holonistic understanding, an understanding that describes the wholeness in a unified way and in perspective of a bigger wholeness. It is an understanding that combines the holistic or whole and the core or essence in a simple and beautiful way.

Everything physical that can be touched is made of molecules. But also fluids and gases consist of molecules. Molecules are at the threshold of matter. They are the building blocks of everything material or physical. But molecules themselves consist of atoms. We have a little bit more than 100 different atoms and they are the building blocks of all molecules.

Atoms alone as a separate entity, does not exist for a long time in nature before they relocate into new molecules. In very hot conditions molecules “evaporate” into atoms. And in even more energetic states atoms “evaporate” into ions and sub-atomic particles. As we move beyond the level of molecules the physical “matter like” nature evaporates into energy.

We call them particles but their nature is only particle like in the interactions of our experiments. Imagine a sea wave that froths at its top. The froth is its particle nature. The wave soon goes back to a wave nature and the froth is gone. You would not say the wave is built up of white froth, but it can turn into it for a short time. An electron in an atom can froth as a “particle” on one side of the atom, to dissolve into its wave nature and reappear some other place as a new froth “particle” of the wave on an other place in the atom. The froth is not moving like a particle, it appears and reappears. The “water” surrounding and atom in its surface can appear as an electron-particle or electron-wave. It is both at the same time.

You could also visualise it as an elastic surface completely transparent and when you put your finger on it, it reacts with light, like a plasma bulb. In short we can say that behind the apparently solid physical matter is something like an energetic sea that evades us. It only becomes apparent as it is touched by our experiment.

We have tried to explain it with different models through time. You can read more about the models of the atom throughout history here: “The Atom from solid balls to sparkling ghosts”

In essence the meeting point between solve and coagula is seen here between molecules and atoms, on the threshold between matter and energy. The magic between the dynamic creative force always dynamic and the stuck structured material nature.
Agate coming from the condensation of very hot rock, touches the same threshold, and has in its quality an ability to bring you in touch with this aspect of reality, the reality behind the apparent one.

Epistemology is the science of knowledge. In epistemology we know that there are certain basic things in existence we cannot know or prove. We simple have to believe them, or take them as our perception of reality.
We do not know it there is an external reality or if it all is only in our minds or consciousness. There are people that think both of these are the only right things to believe.

These different positions are called and epistemological stance or standpoint. It is a position, a belief that reflects your view of reality, your ontological view. It is basically what you believe is out there in the world, in existence, or if it is all a creation of your mind.

The two extreme positions in epistemology are the realist and the relativist.
The realist
The realist believes reality is the external world consisting of matter. This is a world that can be measured and examined and reduced into components. When you have the information to describe its structures and functions you can predict what will happen, almost like a machine or a program or game in a computer.
In short the realist is materialistic, reductionistic, positivistic and deterministic.
With this position it is obvious that knowledge is best collected and confirmed with the hypothetical deductive method. Randomised controlled trials that are collected in systemamic reviews are believed to reflect knowledge of reality solid as rocks. The world out there is material, can be cut into parts, can be examined and measured in an objective way, no doubt about it, says the realist. Is there nothing more between heaven and earth?

The relativist
At the other extreme you have the relativist that believes it is all in your mind. Your senses of sight, sound, touch etc. are all frequencies or energy past on through your body to your brain, here they are changed from neural signals into what you perceive as being out there. All you can say anything about is how it appears to you in your mind. In the extreme case the relativist does not even believe the external world exists.
The world out there is more like an illusion, even matter is an exception in the universe, or regarded as just a short and locally very limited transitional state in a pulsating universe of energy. Matter is built up of elements that even if they are named “particles” have nothing in common with what we normally think of as particles. The smallest particles can only be described from the ghost tracts they leave us when we collide them under very extreme conditions. From this perspective the relativist has a point too.

The relativist would say that what you perceive is changing with the changes in your awareness or stage of evolution. The whole external world as you see it now, might change to a land of shadows when you perceive the reality behind, and that new reality becomes the real reality, to borrow the analogy from Plato´s cave analogy.

As you evolve and become more and more in contact with the original creative forces you are even at the point where your own reality is formed. Matter becomes the veil of Maya, causations becomes illusion as all becomes a matter of increased synchronicity, it is no point in examining the external world because it will all change as your awareness changes. It is all about your mind and your awareness.

For the relativist sitting on a mountain and meditating year after year, will not be isolation and exclusion, but might be experienced as a much deeper and broader presence with the world than the realist can ever imagine.

We live in a time where the realist dominates, but it has not always been so, and more and more people start to see how extremely limited and stuck they can be. The pendulum is about to swing again.

We could say that the realist is as stuck on solid matter as the materialized rock. The relativist on the other side is difficult to fix, more like the volatile element in the formation of Agate. He is like the unperceivable plasmatic field condensing to gas, fluids and finally becoming mater-realized layers of Agate.

It is possible to define positions between these two extremes. One could suggest that an “energist” neither believes in matter nor that all is in your mind, but that we have to go with the flow, that all is in a process of flux.

Agate can help to resolve or give a balanced perspective if one is stuck in the extremes of epistemology and not able to see both perspectives.
It does this by acting into the very core of your being.


Our awareness has many levels even deep layers that we are not aware off. In psychology Carl Gustav Jung is known for having discovered and named the deepest of these, the collective unconscious. We normally relate to our psychological nature through what we experience as “Me” the ego or we could say the sum of our thoughts, feelings and senses. The awaken “Me” or “Ego” is what we regard as our awareness.
But we have also deeper layers. The next layers are the sub-conscious, the unconscious and the collective unconscious with less and less access or awareness in each. Let us explore this closer.

It is like we sit on the frothing top of a wave representing the ego. This narrow peak or top is based on or is on top of a much broader upper part of the wave. This bigger part represents the larger sub-conscious in our analogy. Here we collect all the ego has experienced through life, all our experiences, associations, memories and dreams. You only remember some of them, most of the memories or dreams you ever had are like lost. All that are “lost” are there but deeper down in the wave. This is what we call the unconscious. It is called unconscious because we have a big difficulty getting access to these dreams and memories.

The wave is not alone, it merges with all other waves becoming the sea and the sea has in its deep realms a black state that connects all seas and all waves. If we imagine we collect all that all people that ever lived have ever experienced, we can imagine we are going to the deep deep levels of the sea, connecting all waves that exist and ever existed.

Deep within we have a potential connection to this debt, we use this material in our dreams and it can flow forward to us through art, symbol, intuition and creativity. It is there in art works, in symbols and concepts the humans have “created” or should we rather say manifested from the collective unconscious. You could go so far to say that there is nothing appearing or being created in the human mind that has not already been there in the deep. Like no new wave in the sea is nothing but the same sea in a new form.

On our way back up from the deep sea of the collective unconscious that connects the frothing top of all the individuals that ever existed, we have degrees of increasing awareness but also degrees from bigger units of groups of humans, to smaller and smaller groups ending in the extended family, the nearest family and finally only you the individual at the narrow frothing top.

The more individual, the more objective aware, the more subjective the more you start to connect from within. In the deep unaware realms we are connected with everyone with all that is. We live in an illusion of separation. The price of individuation is separation, what many humans value most is what isolates them. The objective scientific ideal is analysing, separating and reducing, the price of it is separation. Going within to the realm of the deeper layers, to the inner life of the relativist is connecting us in the feeling of respect, consideration and brotherhood of man.

The price of individuation, of the individual with a structured ego of its own, is a loss of the collective knowledge base of experience, of a deep common coherent existence. The consequence of merging with the sea of the unconscious is a challenge of extinction of the individual in us.

Agate helps you to find a healthy balance in this process of individuation or merging with the all. If we are stuck in our individual ego it helps us to merge, if we are lost in the collective sea it helps us to individuate.

In genetics you could say that you are unique in your make up, but this uniqueness is based on your ancestors. Primarily the close family then the extended family, your ethnic group, the whole human kind and basically all life upon earth. This is very much like the wave we just described in psychology. We share a genetic pool, but that pool is again the result of a much bigger pool.

In the human genome just a fraction is believed to be unique to humans, we share a lot with animals and even bacteria and virus represents a huge percentage of the genetic sea where we are the top of one of its waves.

Genetically speaking you are the froth at the top of a genetic wave, a froth that only lasts your life span. If we connect this analogy with the section above we could challenge the idea of bacteria and virus as external invaders and even looking at them as reconnecting us with the debt as we evolve. Let us explore evolution a bit.

There are some interesting features to be seen in the evolution of life. Evolution comes with increased complexity and with increased integration of new abilities in the more complex organisms.
It is not like the increased complexity is the creation of something new it is rather the integration of something that is there in the external world. It could be viewed as if external qualities become internalized, or like a potential in the deep psychological sea emerges to the surface. Because it seems to emerge from the inside into the centre like from no-where, like a bubble in the sea suddenly breaking to the surface. Or the sea itself is rising up to form a frothing wave. Let is give some examples.

Science tells us that long time back the earth only contained minerals that were so hot that no water could cool down to even form a lake. As the earth cooled, condensation made rain and rain made the first shallow areas of water, the foundation for life was laid. But did life appear from an incidence or from the deep?

Imagine for a while all the stars just in our galaxy, sorry it is a request that we cannot even imagine, our mind just cannot. But we can imagine that many of them might have planets with similar conditions as our earth, actually also an imaginable number. And we have not even started to talk about all the galaxies or even all the universes in the metaverse! Nobody knows the amount of stars in our galaxy there are a few different estimations and some say 100 billion others 400 billion (100-400 milliards = 1-400 000 000 000). So if there is one with a planet like ours for every million it is still 100 00 – 400 000.

There are with no doubt an immense amount of planets that have developed shorter or longer time than our earth. The deep see of just our universe, has experienced it all in its deep unconscious, when life appeared at our planet it was not a new invention, it was not an accident, it was following the order of what has happened billions of billions of times before. So did life appear on the surface of the earth or emerge from the debt of the universe?

At one point a unit appeared that within itself contained life, the first cell also on our earth. During 2 billions of years (2 milliards = 2 000 000 000), that was the only kind of life on this planet. Within those cells a centre appeared, call it a hearth or a brain, that science calls a nucleus.

The first kind of cells that were there from the start are called prokaryotic, with the new creative control unit or headquarters they are called eukaryotic. Karyon is the name of the nucleus. First something appeared that had life within, now it got a nucleus within.

The less evolved prokaryotic cell has a huge amount of variation with multiple single celled organisms of different kinds, all being bacteria. With the eukaryotic cells we see less amount of organisms, the cells are bigger and eventually join together in multicellular beings. These beings become plants, fungi and animals. The clue to all of this is the new appearance of a nucleus in the centre.

If we move further up the line of evolution to plants and from monocots to dicots in the plant kingdom we also see that the transportation of fluids, the vasculation evolves from being organized in bundles (multi-) into a concentric distribution having a central point (nucleus) to organize around. When animal life evolves from cold blooded (ectotherm ) to warm blooded (endotherm) we also see a change in vasculation and the heart. Again something new like the nucleus appears within.

This time it is the heat that appears within. Warm-blooded animals keep their own temperature constant independent of the environment, the cold-blooded take the same temperature as the environment. Warm-blooded animals use a lot of what they take in from the environment as food to produce heat. The cold-blooded do not need to eat that much and can survive longer periods without food. They can even be almost dead during very cold or dry periods.
Warm blooded have a more energetic circulation too, more efficient with four chambers in the heart, like a 4 vault engine comparer to a 2 vault. They also keep the blood with oxygen and the blood without separated, showing the increased complexity.

There are an immense number of different viruses, many bacteria, less multicellular being and a few thousand mammals and birds at the top of evolution. Minerals have structure, plant also have structure but add life, growth and breathing, animals have all of the previous but add digestion and an internal space with organs and an internal inner life with sensations and an awareness of being a subject. An internal awareness is now appearing within. Humans have all that but have an increased autonomy and ability for abstraction, creating symbols and tools to change the environment for good or bad. An internal ability to create meaning, abstraction and symbols appear..

Like the frothing top of the wave the human abilities are on top of abilities of animals, fungi, plants, bacteria and virus. In the womb the human foetus goes through a repetition of the stages of life and as well after birth we complete the mineral nature by forming bone from cartilage and getting our second set of teeth. After that we have a period of completing our growth the plant like aspect, before we enter our teens with emotions, sensations, sexuality and finding out which is our heard. First then are we ready to mature into individual mental autonomy and laying the ground for stretching further later in life, further than the average human into the spiritual realms.

At the same time as we evolve, we expand our circle of action from the womb, to the cradle, to the floor, to the garden, to the closest streets, to the village, to bigger towns, to the country, to the world …..

Each step of transition is a phase of letting go of something to integrate the next step, the appearance of something new condensing within and the evaporation of some of the old, solve & coagula, each such transition or struggle to move on or let go is facilitated by Agate.

Final words
Going back to the analogy of the wave again we can say that at the top we have the rational human being, a realist with focus on the material manifestations, able to relate to other humans on objective and equal terms, living in a world were concepts and terms are well defined, where reality is regarded as objects, objects of physical or intellectual nature. It is an intellectual analytic person with an aim of discriminating and reducing reality, of deconstructing it and understand things by separating them to wave tops called particles, matter, concepts, things in short “matter of facts”.

As this person matures, finds himself in different situations that promote a contact with the deeper, and starts to see that all those matters of facts have no value if it is not of use to a subject or is understood by a subject, it start to soften up change its priorities and perspectives. Agate helps you to reach the top of the wave as well as transcend it.

If you are stuck in the “matter of facts” you might feel a desire for human warmth, for socialising, for relating to people from more warm and open cultures (If yours is a northern one), you might open to the inner world and evaluate the subjective realm. If you are stuck in any kind of segregation you will feel the warmth and value of opening up. You will appreciate and long to connect to the people with qualities from warmer countries and cultures.

Let Agate dissolve any fixed rigid or limiting conceptions or states in or of yourself, and let it help you to manifest your potential as a structure to come.

PS: The name Agate

The name comes from the Semitic aqiq or achit meaning separation of a new-born´s hair. A rite that is connected with the name giving is an offering of two compatible sheep for a boy and one for a girl. In greek it became achates a name also given to a river in Sicily where a deposit of chalcedonites was mined, becoming achates in latin and then Agate.

Even the separation of hair by shaving the new born and the name giving as a defined identity, can be seen as layers of separation or manifestation. Giving a new structure or identification.


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Emerald – holonistic gemstone exploration

The emerald came forward revealing the abundant green vitalizing gifts of life.

As the fifth of our exploration journeys into gemstones (7/5-2015), it confirmed common themes and qualities we did start to see in all the gemstones so far.  But also it gave us its unique qualities as one of the most appreciated gems of them all.


With its graceful gentle but dynamic power Emerald showed it was dissolving the qualities of duty as we see them in the modal verbs such as should, must, would, could, might, into a present state of accepting and flowing with life.

Emerald helps you to make the right priorities in life, so you do not need to regret not having lived at the end of your life or when faced with terminal illness, as cancer. It helps you appreciate and choose the intimate close friendships or relation to loved ones compared to the relations that are defined by duty, responsibility, obligation or commitments based on “shoulds” and “musts”.

This revealed to us its polarity in Kabbalah between Binah and Netzach, planetary between Saturn and Venus or between the Archetypes The Old and The Young Girl.  A polarity that can be expressed with many different words; It is a polarity between the feeling of having limited or unlimited time. Between death and life. Between a closed isolated inhibition and intimate tender loving care. It is the polarity between the old serious duty bound and the young living girl in love. As well as polarity between the authoritarian religious leaders and the inner individual realization of the spiritual world.

Life gives hope, as the  new spring does with its green lush. Hope is like connecting to the life that always is. Hopelessness is being stuck in a dead end road, in a situation that is not nourishing you. A situation that is killing you. Emerald helps you to dissolve that, let it go, let it evaporate as an illusion. You came from a state of life and you are heading back there. What is between is just passing it is not permanent, it is just illusion. With Emerald you can question yourself why you are hanging on to it, and you can let go, you can live again. It even makes you realize that when you stop your life, you live for ever, it is when you die that you stop dying and live alive.

Emerald opens up the heart to humankind and all living beings, it fills you with tenderness and care. It makes you aware of your suffering neighbours in the third world, and as it gives you appreciation of your own manifold blessings it also fills you with the priority of stretching out your hands and giving. It makes you realize that it is more gifts in giving than in receiving, as well as enjoying the blessings of your own life.

Emerald gives a pure, clear etheric  life force streaming through your whole body, your every cell, and particularly the heart and kidneys. But it also makes you accept impurities that are natural and hence delusions.

With its life force it gives you the ability to master and overcome big endeavours step by step when you feel completely overwhelmed by huge impossible tasks or workloads.

When you feel sorrow or forsaken or are missing someone, it gives you the ability to give and hence to open up the limitless source within, and the first to be completed or filled then is yourself.

As nature, is natural, and the word nature means birth, so Emerald gives birth to the most natural in yourself, the life force itself, the real beauty and its connectedness to all living. It transforms you, let you move on when stuck, gives you life when dead, gives you hope when you feel despair, gives you love when you feel isolation.

Emerald lets you give and take on life here and now “Carpe diem

The state and attitude of Emerald is most beautifully expressed in the Prayer of Saint Francis:

Lord, make me a channel of Thy peace;
Where there is hatred, let me bring your love
Where there is injury, your pardon; Lord
Where there is doubt, true faith in you;
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there’s despair in life, let me bring hope;
Where there is darkness, only light;
And where there’s sadness, ever joy.

Oh, Master grant that I never seek
So much to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved as to love with all my soul

Make me a channel of your peace
It’s in pardoning that we are pardoned;
In giving to all men that we receive;
And in dying that we’re born to eternal life.


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Sapphire – holonistic gemstone exploration

On the evening of 9. of april 2015, 75 years on the day of the invasion of Norway by the germans we conducted our holonistic exploration of Sapphire.

Sapphire came forward with a strong sense of perfection, with an eye for the smallest details. On one side we saw an almost rigid crystalline need for perfection, on the other the ability to let go of the fastidious demands and accept things just as they were. People that normally would not go to the office with a spot on their cloths felt themselves at ease presenting themselves with a food stain or two. Or in ways they never would have accepted earlier.

Perfecting and censuring could be said to be two sides of the same coin, or interrelated. A person aiming at perfection or a censorious critical person both needs the combination of objective observation and critical analysis. On one side they need appreciation for a specific shape, form, structure or result on the other an eye for what can be eliminated, adjusted, improved or sense of precision and the ability of cutting away.

This ability requires two archetypes, the archetype “The old” (Binah, Saturn) representing observation, structure together with the archetype “Mature Man” (Gebourah, Mars) representing, elimination and cutting. Together they have a sense of structure and seeing what should be eliminated or modified. Joined they give you the perfect combination for a censorious, critical assessment. Together they give exactness and perfection.

On the other side structure with esthetic sense gives the ability for creating something perfect. Gems are precious stones, and in Sapphire the preciousness seems to be combined with being perfect, being the master, king or guru.

An idealistic aim for ultimate perfection would feel impossible if there were mistakes, traumas, misdeeds or flaws from the past. Sapphire seemed able to resolve such issues through a realization that we came with a sense of perfection and that we will one day accomplish perfection again. In a sense we have always had the matrix of perfection with us, it just seems to be a transit or an illusion that we are imperfect in the here and now. This veil of the manifested reality that makes us far away from our origin or final destination is removed by the gemstones.

All the gemstones we have experienced so far had in common, that they were able to connect us with a timeless state before time and space. This is a state where before and after unites into a crystalline structure where everything is coherently connected. 

In Garnet it was about the illusion of separation with loved ones, and a realization that even the dead are still close. 
In Amethysts it was a sense of disconnection with the highest unity and a realization that we are always one with the Godhead. 
In Jaspis it was about the illusion of separation with your inner autonomy or destiny, and the illusion you had to adjust to others. 
In Sapphire it was a separation from perfection and an illusion of being imperfect.

We experienced that all of them facilitated a connection with a state that could be described as so subtle or primal that it was before separation of time and space, a state that felt like just being, without motion or action, just being as we always were mend to be, or heading back to become again. Almost like in a lattice of a Chrystal were every part is coherently connected or entangled in unity. The one before you above you under you or behind you are all the same as you.

Imagine a guru, spiritual leader a sheik, a king, a kaiser, a bishop, a Khomeini or any other figure of mastery or leadership. His or her idea is to be the perfect leader, like a star or gemstone in the mind and soul of their followers. They have a projection to live up to. But nobody on earth is perfect!

So there would be a polarity of the feeling inside with the external appearance. Imagine a leader being next to perfect, with perfect partner and family, perfect educational and social background, perfect looks, and appearance, a perfect home in a perfect area. Everything is perfect. Can you imagine the pressure and strain one could feel to remain in that perfection? Not to do any mistakes or of the surroundings or his/her family creating a situation that makes cracks in the perfect surface?

Perfection in this sense is static. To evolve you need to get dirt on your hands. What you learn most from are your mistakes.

In the exploration we felt an open mind for change, towards the new. It helped you to let go of the past, to let go of where ever we felt stuck. To let go of your past identity, your past role, your delusion of who you thought you had to be. To be clear, honest and truthful to your self and your identity.

This is like facing the truth. Like standing face to face with the real. A strong feeling of wanting to face things just as they really are, or to have real genuine contact is what we acquired from this gem.

Truth is hidden in the eye, said Omraam Mikael Aivanhov. And many of us felt an affinity for the eye with Sapphire.

Gemstones are created under big heat and pressure.
Many of the participants felt an aggravation from heat, hot spicy food or alcohol together with dryness of lips and skin, with cracking, as well as broken arteries in the eyes or other places. All this could indicate an internal heat, leading to dryness. A pronounced thirst for cold water in many of the participants confirmed that. Heat flushes and burning sensations add to this as well. Also feeling hot with virility, and vitality.

After conducting this experiment we researched some information on the use and application of Sapphire and the resemblance was striking.

Synthetic sapphire is used for shatter resistant windows in armored vehicles and body armor suits. In the “ceramic body xenon lamp”, sapphire crystal output windows are used because they tolerate higher thermal loads. Sapphire glass

Synthetic sapphire as sapphire glass is not only highly transparent to wavelengths of light between 150 nm (Ultra violet) and 5500 nm (Infra red) (the human eye can discern wavelengths from about 380 nm to 750 nm), but it is also extraordinarily scratch-resistant.

So we see her a stuck hard solid substance resistant to scratching and abrasion. With 9 on the Mohs scale, it is the 3rd hardest natural substance next to moissanite and diamonds.  It has an extremely high melting temperature (2030 °C). With its very wide optical transmission band from UV to near-infrared  (0.15-5.5 µm) it become significantly stronger than other optical materials or standard glass windows.

We can sum this up as a clarity or transparent honesty or truth, so you can see things with your eye as they are.
And an identity or perfection that cannot be scratched or broken.

Clear transparent living true identity in contrast with a dead virtual mask as a veil of perfection could be a summary for Sapphire.


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Jasper – holonistic gemstone exploration

The 12. of March 2015 we explored the gemstone Jasper.

There are different kinds of Jasper.
Our investigation was of the red Jasper.

Its name was Yašfeh ( יָשְׁפֵה ) in the masoretic text or Iaspis in the Septuaginta.  Scholars suspect that Yasepheh may be the original reading. Jasper is usually red, the mineral which the Greeks called Iaspis was generally a richly green one the most prized form of Jasper.

The old cultures did not give names arbitrary as we do, but asked themselves, or even perceived the qualities of the object to be named. They used the letters and sounds that represented those qualities when giving a name. Each letter and their sequence hence has a story to tell.

In the old cultures we often see that each letter is standing alone as a unit of meaning, a symbol or archetype.

Looking at the first two letters in Yašfeh ( יָשְׁפֵה ) is the hebrew root “Ish“. These are the letter YUD of manifestation of identity joined to SHIN that of relative spiritual movement. It carries the meaning of inspired being, or manifestation of the spirit in the individual, in the sence of a being radiating or shining, or simple spiritual breath manifested into substance. The third letter gives it a distinct, discriminating quality and the last letter makes it alive. One of the ways we could translate this would be: An identity that radiates, with autonomy and clarity as to what it represents in a living way.

This happened to be a good description of our exploration of Jasper, even if this was discovered afterwards.

Our holonistic approach to Jasper consisted of five steps. We started by sharing how we all experienced the last days or weeks, to see the common themes that could be extracted. After the second meditative step, we started to analyze the themes appearing and perceiving them in a unified way.

A step towards this unification is to see the main polarities, as it leaves you with two states, instead of many, and then you can more easily get the unified perspective.

There were elements of unity or separation. The separation even gave the feelings of self-pity.
There were elements of joy of life and pleasure in nature with the fear of death, and the feeling the time was not due yet. Other polarities were between the open, trusting childlike state and a rigid, fixed condition.
Self-sacrifice or self-assertivness. We could conclude that Jasper helps or gives you what it takes not to respond with self-pity, or isolation but rather asserting yourself and enjoy your self-realisation.

Many of the participants had been in situations that made them change their plans, directions or decisions quickly or again and again. Schedules were booked and rebooked or canceled. Appointments never happening, being changed, or set in the last moment. Due to traveling, original plans had to get canceled.

It is a strong analogy that Norwegian air was on strike so this must have happened on a large scale. In our situation, it was some flights, but as much other appointments.

The red quality associated with, Geburah, Mars or Mature Man qualities were strongly coming through in our exploration. Jasper seems to promote your self-assertiveness, your ability to change old patters and brake loose as well as the ability to respond quickly and take the necessary decisions to get your act together.

It gives a clarity or honesty towards your own needs, and the ability to cultivate and nurture them.
But the clarity and integrity of your own needs and self-assertion also opened a respect and understanding of others and their equal rights to stand up for themselves and their needs.
In the same degree it promotes your individual autonomy it promotes the respect of the other. It made it natural to stand up for yourself in a world were that is what is done.

The synchronicity of getting an invitation to the world famous artist Vebjørn Sand´s exhibition “The choice of the individual” the same day was as striking as the synchronical strike at Norwegian.

The analogy of the right of the individuals was there in many ways. As in the recent debate on vaccinations where the individual freedom of choice against the mass, is central.

This individual energy, or inner fire was also expressed as a heat, melting up the inner coldness, giving energy and thirst.

Connecting yourself to Jasper would then give you inner strength, the ability to make choices, stand up for yourself, and be self-assertive. This instead of feeling pity for yourself, isolate yourself or feeling deserted.


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ONE TO TEN – from the Lords Prayer to the Chinese Heavenly Stems.

Most of the old cultures used a decimal numeral system, based on 10 as we use today. There are a few exceptions based on 12, 20 (maya) or 60 (babylonians), but having 10 fingers it is quite natural that 10 has become the mostly used system of counting.

One thing which many of the old cultures share is the understanding of a ladder or sequence from the highest to the lowest in 10 stages. A hierarchy from God to Man in ten steps.

Jacob’s Dream by William Blake (c. 1805, British Museum, London)

The Chinese described it through the 10 heavenly stems and in the Buddhist tradition we have The Ox Herding Pictures. In Egypt we have the Creation Myth of Heliopolis (On in Egyptian). There are many more examples.

Of all these traditions the Kabbalah explains and describes these stages into an elaborate degree of detail and precision. Here we see the sequence in the Tree of Life.

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The Tree of Life also describes this sequence as going through 4 worlds. These correspond from above downwards to the 4 elements.

In the Kabbalah these worlds describe creation as a process of condensation of moving from pure energy into matter. The upper triangle is the triangle of fire and points upwards, it is regarded as separated from the rest of the Tree by an abyss. A symbol of how this upper world of God belongs to a higher order, a level above the rest of creation. The abyss is to explain the huge spiritual distance.

The next two triangles are pointing downwards, the upper is of air and the lower of water. The uppermost triangle of fire is the source of creation, constantly emitting into the others in sequence.

The air triangle represents the world where the creative power becomes organized into archetypical principals then these condense even more in the next stage and start the formation of shapes in the triangle of water.
At the bottom we have the worldly kingdom the material earth. Here the archetypical principles that got form in the water world becomes materialized.

In the Kabbalah each of the ten Sephiroth represents and aspect of God with a hierarchy of different angelic beings in each. Angels (Cherubim) are the kind closest to us and take part in many aspects of our life, most important is the gathering of people into a higher degree of coherence a higher holonity. The next level, the archangels (Bnei Elohim) give us light and guidance on the path. Principalities (Elohim) are above the archangels they work with us on a even more energetic level and drive our development and evolution. They make us grow in their garden of human souls. In this garden we grow towards the spiritual aspect of the sun, where we have the malachim or kings, they cultivate virtues in us. And the sequence follows all the way to God where the seraphim eternally prays the creator in his holiness with singing “holy, holy holy”.

If we look at the Lords prayer it shows the same understanding. We will take it from Sephira to Sephira from the top to the bottom of the Tree of Life.

It starts with the upper triangle of God with:

Kether: Our Father
Chochmah: who art in heaven
Binah: hallowed be thy name.

Then it moves to the connection of God or Heaven and Earth

Chesed: Thy kingdom come.
Geburah: Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Tiphereth: Give us this day our daily bread

Then it moves to the water triangle and interhuman realm:

Netzach: and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us,
Hod: and lead us not into temptation,
Yesod: but deliver us from evil.

Then we have the doxology, that is added later:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen

Malkuth is the kingdom
Yesod gives power – Gabriel = Powerful God
Hod is glory
Netzach means eternity
And then
Amen would be Tiphereth.

The symbol of joining both hands is also a nice way to say 1 = 10 and 10 = 1
Or God is all and mans union with God returns him to oneness.

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If we compare this with the commandments.

The upper trigon:

I am the Lord thy God,
Kether: Thou shalt have no other gods before me

Chochmah: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image

Binah: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain

The upper air trigon:

Chesed: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy
Geburah: Honor thy father and thy mother

Tiphereth: Thou shalt not murder
The water trigon:
Netzach: Thou shalt not commit adultery
Hod: Thou shalt not steal
Yesod: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
Malkuth: Thou shalt not covet (Neighbors house, wife, servants, animals or anything else)

This same structure we find in many of the old traditions.
In the creational myth of Heliopolis in Egypt Atum (Amun) created from within himself Shu and Tefnut.
The three together represent the highest triangle.

Then Shu and Tefnut got Nut and Geb. The upper part of the air triangle, representing the gods of heaven and earth.

They got Osiris, Isis, Nephtys and Set.
Representing Tiphereth, Yesod, Netzach and Hod.

Finally Osiris and Isis got Horus (Malkuth).

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There are many more examples to illustrate how all this cultures discovered the same path and stages from man to God. One day I will share more of them with you.