Tag Archives: Andreas N. Bjørndal

The past, present and future of your health – by Andreas N. Bjørndal

Your health can always be improved, but there are limitations. The main limitations are always rooted in your past and the potential for biggest change is always a head of you in your future to come.

Your past is represented by the inherited genetics in your family, in your ethnicity as well as humanity at the present time. This gives a foundation but also represent the most fixed and unchangeable parts of your vital economy.

Also human genetics change. Today we have abilities that we have acquired through epigenetic mechanism of adaptation to experiences from the past. A substantial part of the human genom is taken from virus from viral epidemics. Even if less important also mutations places a role. These factors has made us into a type of humans that did not exist even 10-12000 years ago.
Humans born in the future will inherit abilities that we have not gotten yet.

The present is also important both for sustaining as well as improving your health. Your activities, work out, walks in nature, diet, sleep routine as well as the environment you breath, eat and live in, plays an important role.
This part represented by the present is mainly sustaining and keeping you fit and healthy.

What many people tend to forget is that the biggest potential for change is in your future.

Investing in your dreams, visions or goals of a better lifestyle or state of health and even more important, what inspires you to improve your health can make more substantial changes possible. This will become your new daily practice on day.

Physical things or mental schedules are both fixed and stuck, but emotions and inspiration are the real drivers for change. The desire for health and well-being, the inspiration that lifts you up to transcend your present limitations are the real transformers.

Turning inwards, being mindful, meditating, praying and other forms of spiritual practice very often leaves you with an improved vitality, inspiration, fulfilment and deeper peace.

These is because they realign you with your real path, your mission in life. They reconnect you with your goal. They take your focus away from detours and direct you towards your real future to be.

The same goes for an increased holonity, where you feel part of a bigger whole. It can be relating to others, but even better in a group of people. Your challenges seem smaller, might be shared and you feel connected and supported. This is why group therapy, team work and socializing is so beneficial.

Connection to the vastness of nature; the big woods, the great sea or starry night also reminds you that your problems are so small, you are part of so much more.

The feeling of connecting with human kind or the spiritual world is an important factor of improving your health and stimulating a change for the better.

Reaching a state of making a priority for the benefit of a bigger holon, a bigger group, all humans or all living nature and the earth itself, is what I call an increased holonity.
Making a priority on a bigger whole a bigger holon, rather than yourself, is a sign of spiritual growth beyond your ego.
That is an important healing factor and also you makes the future become closer.

The improving of health and your own evolution or mastering of life is but one and the same process. (Read more here – Your health is your potential to evolve.)

You feel how you think about your partner

The Master Omraam Michael Aivanhov once explained that how you think about somebody will trigger your emotions towards that person.

The way you mentally perceive your partner triggers your emotional reactions towards them.

Let us make an example:
If you have a busy, industrious partner you can easily feel neglected or forsaken depending on how you think about your partner.

If you think my partner gets to do all different kind of things, she/he gets to see people and establish a network, she/he can realize her/himself +++

Then every time she/he has something extraordinary happening in their life, like going abroad for a seminar, meeting some old friends, having to work late, or going away for some extra projects, you feel neglected and forsaken. You feel abandoned, left behind and not prioritized.

But if you think my partner is doing so much, I am proud of her/him, she/he makes it possible for me to live a better life than I could do alone, she/he brings in more money to our household than I would be able to. She/he must be tired, she/he never has time for her/himself or time to relax, sleep in or just walk in nature.
She/he makes it possible for me to sleep in, be at home and only do what I can manage.

Then every time she/he has something extraordinary you will feel different, you will be happy for her/him, saying she/he needs to have some time to relax, to socialize, to have some enjoyment in her/his life.

The way you think about the other person decides how you react and feel, and every incidence and circumstance will for you just confirm that perspective, that pattern, that way you think about someone. You confirm your own perspective again and again.

Whatever the other person does will never change that.

It is always good to remember that if we were in the other persons shoes with the same background and abilities, we would most likely have done the same.

We cannot change other people easily, but it is much easier to change our way of thinking and it will be us ourselves that benefit.
This is mastery in life.

St. Michaels

The year has four turning points representing four different changes of direction and focus in the human path.
We have just finished the summer with its out-going warm energy manifesting into nature.

Approaching winter and the most introverted time, we now are at the meeting point, the autumnal equinox.
Standing here between light and darkness we can prepare for the darker and colder times.
This is the time of the celebration of the archangel Michael, Mikaeli, St Michaels.

Michael is a Hebrew name meaning Like God or The like of God, Gods simillimum, and analogy to God. In Kabbalah Michael is related to Tipheret the sphere of the Sun and the cultivation of virtues.

It is through the challenges of ”dark times” that we become strong and full of virtue. It is by aspiring to become ”like God” that we cultivate virtues.

Entering the dark season, this is a time to be vigilant like St. Michael or St. George. It is a time to challenge the dragon or animal within. The animal represents the unaware or undeveloped part of our awareness, the unconscious realm of darkness. Ask yourself what you need to confront, what you are afraid of or avoiding? Within that “mud” there is a radiant gemstone.

It is time to find the strength, the internal sword so we can approach the weakness with courage, with love and with light. Remember the pain of the soul is the soul growing.  One day you will crack open with your own light, love and life manifesting your virtues.

Farwell to the summer!

Farwell to this sunny nice summer! Now I am feeling full of warmth and ready for the challenges of the cold season.

After almost two years of extraordinary measures, so many people and their immunity-systems have been deprived of their natural exposure to virus and bacteria.
To be fit your muscles need friction, to keep your mind sharp you need to use it, to have a strong immunity-system it also needs to be used and challenged.

What can you do to be prepared for the seasonal flu and the autumn and winter colds?

Keep your body warm

• Be physically active

• End the shower with cold water

• Walk bare feet in the morning grass

• Eat spicy and have warm meals

Winter is hibernation

• Get extra sleep

• Take more time to rest
• Meditate and contemplate,

• Go down your inner memory lain

• Write down your dreams

Be kind to yourself

• Give yourself a treat

• Sit in front of the fireplace

• Get massage, acupuncture or reflexology

• See your homeopath, healer, guide or coach

Three times love

This day is unique and special in many ways.
It is the feastday of St. Mary Magdalene. The woman so close to Jesus. Representing the spiritual potential in women as the anima of Jesus. The spiritual love incarnated into Jesus´ female counterpart.

This day is also in Norway, the day we remember the 77 people that lost their lives to terror. Norway was wounded, we all felt the chock and the pain. But as important is it to remember that we did not meet hate with hate but with roses and love. People initiated a spiritual reaction of protecting democracy, being able to feel safe, peace and love towards all people. Oslo was over flooded with people and roses the following days. This connected the nation in peaceful love in a unique way, that created ripples of love as a way to peace throughout the planet.

This day is also a very personal day for me, it is the day I married the love of my life. The woman that holds eternity to my soul, the woman that heals and makes me whole. The woman that shares my life for better and for worse, transforming it with love giving me inner peace.

22/7 is the closest we can write the essence of a circle as a fraction. A circle of eternity, the circle of the sun, the circle of the eye or iris the rainbow.

The week before the terror our daughter made drawing after drawing of windows that broke and fell down on the street or of rainbows. Only those two things!
And she was worried for us, that the broken glass would kill us. We tried to secure her she did not need to worry, but she was hard to convince. No surprise because she knew what was coming and we were supposed to be close to the bomb. Destiny changed our plans that day.

I did also a blinded experiment of the fractions of glass and fallen rose leaves that were all over Oslo on the streets. I collected them in a big circle around the centre of the bomb explosion. The experiments also revealed bridges or rainbows between people or groups of different opinions. The message of connection and love regardless, was clear.

Love as unconditional positive regard, the rainbow as a circle that represents a higher whole a bigger holonity. Connected in love.

We were blessed this day with a sacred concert of peace performed in our garden. With a sword turned into a musical instrument.
What a nice way to initiate this day.

Let this day be a day of Peace and Love


A few times in my life I have en­coun­tered a book that be­comes a gem and trea­sure like a piece of art. One such book was re­cently given to me: Seven Archangels, rhythms of in­spi­ra­tion in the his­tory of cul­ture and na­ture

Read more here …………….