Holonistic therapy and guidance – part one – by Andreas N. Bjørndal

Holonistic therapy is based on two simple universal principles.

The two principles

These two I call the driver and the connector. One is masculine the other feminine.

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After 45 years of practice as a holistic (CAM) therapist and guide, after being a teacher, coach and supervisor for patients, students, couples and other clients I have ask myself what does it all boil down to, what are the basic principles behind all healing, therapy and counseling. This article is a first step in sharing this from a holonistic perspective. That is to say from a perspective where the biggest wholeness can be perceived in the most unified way.

I have come to the conclusion that it all boils down to one simple thing, “same same”, or that everything is part of the same process, but I have also decided that it is more specific and easier to describe it as two complementary aspects of that same thing. So let us explore those two; The driver and the connector.

Stimulating and increasing the driver gives more energy, enthusiasm and vitality in your life. It helps you realize your potential to become more of the self you can be, your future self already now. As it takes place your inner core gets stronger, you come forward and manifest the best in you, like growing forward into life. This is a question of time working against you or you working proactively with time. It is a question of who is the strongest. When your driver is strong you know what is right for you, you know your priorities and you face life with ease. You strongly conduct your life in a creative and fruitful way. This is not a question of ego, but of being in accord with a higher aspect of you. It is being connected to all aspects of life and hence gives you more strength. It makes you perceive a higher purpose or dynamic aspect in your life, by connecting you with a higher holon, a bigger unit. Here the connector also steps inn.

Stimulating The Connector will create a deeper connection or harmony on all levels of life. It could be between your organs, your sub-personalities or how you relate with people in different groups in your life, family, job, community, society etc. With the connector you feel harmony and belonging, you experience ease in adjusting to life and you experience and increased synchronicity. Synchronicity is when things happen at the same time, in what seems to be a connected way even if there is no causal relation.

Let me give you an example. You need to change your schedule and before you get to call the person involved, they call you and say; could we change our appointment? It does not need to be that you or the other one initiated that change it could be that you both were influenced by a bigger unit you both are part of, a bigger holon. When you are raising your awareness to a higher level than your own, you start to realize that you swim in the same sea or pool as others and you start to see that you move up and down with them on the same waves of life, or if the water gets cold or warm or even red or green, you all are under the same influence.

These two principles are closely or internally connected as two aspects of the same thing. The connector is striving towards unification of all your aspects. Every person has some strong sides, aspects or qualities. These are opposite to other good qualities. Let me explain. You could be self assertive, responsive and independent, but then you would not be as flexible, sensitive and sympathetic. Persons with one of these two aspects will have less of the other opposite side.

In all of us there is a polarity that is strongest and you could say that that polarity, these two aspects are what most of all needs to be connected in you. They represent the two aspects that are most apart in you. Just between these two there is the biggest tension. This is where the connector has the biggest tension, that tension is the same as the driver. They represent the main polarity in your life, the polarity that is driving you forward. So the driver is the same force that is behind the connector.

Why are these principles universal?

I like to think about these principles in the light of the Big Bounce. Imagine the Big Bang getting to its maximum turning into the Big Crunch again starting a new Big Bang, like cycles of expansion and contraction of our universe, these cycles are the Big Bounce.

I love to make the analogy of the Big Bounce with God clapping his hands. Think of the universe being created as the distance increases between the hands of God and collapsing as his hands claps again. Like God having the power to split nothing into everything. Then as his hands comes together all that has been split connects again to the point where there is nothing more to connect and we are back to the state where everything again is together in a singular spot of no expansion, no content but endless potential. This is what modern physics calls a singularity. There is a singularity at the end and beginning of each cycle.

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This analogy both illustrates how everything is connected and how there is a driving force separating or connecting it all. It also illustrates that this two principles are two aspects of the same thing.

Yes it is a simplification because within this cycle there are endless amounts of minor cycles from the huge galactic year to the spinning of an electron. There is a constant flow of growth and decline, increased integration and increased disintegration or evolution and involution. The sun ascends and descends each day and the moon is waxing and waning. Heat and light increases as spring turns to summer and decreases as autumn goes into winter. As one thing increases another decreases. A big cycle has many small cycles within and what could seem to be the end of one cycle would from a higher perspective be part of the beginning or continuation of a bigger cycle.

This is good to remember if you feel things are hopeless or the end is unavoidable, try to think in a bigger perspective, or take a look at the endless stars in the night sky and you will feel realize. Challenges and difficulties always become smaller if you change the perspective to a bigger cycle, a bigger holon.

True healing

True healing always comes from the centre within, from your increased ability to master and solve the challenges in life, be it virus or bacteria, elements in your food, inter-human connections, the environment and many others. There are many ways it can be stimulated so that you get what it takes to get cured, instead of trying to remove, fight or supres the external factors.
We tend to want to fight virus and bacteria, but they will always win, they have been her much longer than us, they can survive in conditions the earth had long before we could exist on this planet. Everything we do from antibiotics, vaccination, pesticides or radiation will just stimulate them to evolve and get stronger in the same way as any living organism has the inner ability to survive. Life is flowing through them and life is always finding new ways to survive get stronger, more advanced and evolve.

The driver is the force, strength and determination in this process, the connector determines on which level you are making a new wholeness as you evolve.

Life itself is evolution. Evolution is life itself, growing!
This we will explore in the next article.
Here you can read the second article.

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