Tag Archives: kindness

The sense of touch is the foundation of kindness – Andreas N. Bjørndal

Here you can read about the sense of touch it is the fifth article in the series about the senses.

Skjermbilde 2017-08-17 kl. 00.24.27


You find the other articles listed here just under the list of articles about the organs.





In this se­ries we have been look­ing at the senses and their re­la­tion to our soul-life (See the links to the other ar­ti­cles in the bot­tom of the page). Now the time has come to ex­plore the mys­te­ri­ous sense of touch.

The sense of touch is not as ob­vi­ous to lo­cate as sight or hear­ing. We sense touch all over the skin, but some places more than oth­ers. Par­tic­u­larly places where the skin is soft, places where it is not used to pro­tect from falls, blows or weather. If you look closely at your hand and arm you can see the skin on the back of your hand and the out­side of the arm is more red, more ruff. The Chi­nese as­so­ci­ate this with yang. The skin in the palms and the in­side of the arms is whiter, softer, more re­cep­tive and sen­si­tive. This is as­so­ci­ated with yin. This goes for the rest of the body too. Your back and the front of legs are ready for a blow or kick while the back of the legs, be­tween the legs, the gen­i­tal area, and front of the body is more sen­si­tive. The tongue and mouth, hand and gen­i­tals are par­tic­u­larly sen­si­tive to touch. These pro­por­tions are re­flected in the sen­sory area of the brain, see il­lus­tra­tion to see which ar­eas that gets most sen­sory space.

When we use the eyes and the ears to see and lis­ten we get ad­vanced in­for­ma­tion and even in­for­ma­tion of things quite far away from us. Even things from the vir­tual world (Here you can read Which World Are you liv­ing in)

Smell and taste are more ba­sic senses and re­quire closer con­tact with what we sense. The most ba­sic of all the senses is the sense of touch, which is de­pen­dent on di­rect con­tact with mat­ter.
The most ob­vi­ous way to ex­plore and de­fine the qual­i­ties of mat­ter is to touch it; its tex­ture, its weight and hard­ness.
The first baby toys are about touch, soft stuffed an­i­mals or things to chew on like paci­fiers. They give the feel­ing of touch­ing the mother.

Cruel ex­per­i­ments with mon­key ba­bies found that hav­ing the touch of a soft toy or stuffed mon­key was even more im­por­tant than food. To feel safe and cozy is more fun­da­men­tal than food. In Maslow´s Hi­er­ar­chy of Needs the need for sur­vival or safety is the ba­sic.

To feel safe, pro­tected and cozy is close to the sense of touch. If you want to con­sole or com­fort some­body you touch them gen­tly, if they are fam­ily or friends you hug or hold them in your arms. Your own chil­dren you take on your lap and hold them tight.

With touch you sig­nal your good in­ten­tions, your kind­ness, con­cern and wish to pro­tect.
Lack of good in­ten­tions to­wards some­body can also end up in a touch that is hurt­ing or dam­ag­ing. Kicks, strikes and blows want to touch some­body deep down into their skin and bone. In that case the feel­ings re­flect a lack of good­ness to­wards the big­ger whole that both per­sons be­long too. When some­body wants to hurt a per­son they do not un­der­stand the good­ness be­hind the pres­ence of that per­son in their own life.

Touch is a ques­tion of two sur­faces con­nect­ing, to be in touch or touché. It is a con­nec­tion and sep­a­ra­tion at the same time. It is like neigh­bours be­ing next to each other, but still liv­ing sep­a­rate lives. Touch gives a sense of be­ing to­gether, stand­ing to­gether, sup­port­ing each other or when neg­a­tive a wish for dis­tance or sep­a­ra­tion.

Touch is phys­i­cal, it is how close you are to the ma­te­r­ial side of some­thing, but un­der the sur­face un­der the ma­te­r­ial side you can track the roots back to Big Bang or cre­ation (holonity and evo­lu­tion). Be­hind all the ma­te­r­ial phys­i­cal there are atoms (atoms from solid balls to sparkling ghosts) that sparkle and or­bit, pul­sate and vi­brate like fire. The same fire we find in the depth of our bones (fire is burn­ing in your bones). Mat­ter is the far end of cre­ation the most dis­tant from Big Bang.
A mas­ter is a per­son with a deep aware­ness. When you see a mas­ter and how he re­lates to what most peo­ple think are dead things, you see his or her gen­tle touch, how they take things in their hands with care and ad­mi­ra­tion of the cre­ator be­hind every­thing. This comes from a sense of be­ing in touch with the cre­ator or his cre­ation even through the touch of “dead” things. It is a state of good­ness to­wards every­thing, com­ing from a place where we are more aware of the con­nec­tion with the cre­ator. Touch is on one side so ma­te­r­ial and phys­i­cal on the other side it con­nects you deeply with the foun­da­tion of the uni­verse.

This kind of touch is slow and full of pres­ence and aware­ness. It is like the magic of hold­ing a new born in your arms and feel­ing the con­nec­tion with the vast uni­verse that still is so pre­sent in them.

Here also there is an op­po­site side. Some­times you can meet mat­ter with too high speed or not be­ing pre­sent or aware in the here and n0w, that is what we call ac­ci­dents. Ac­ci­dents and in­juries are an im­pact from a touch that sur­passes the nat­ural bound­aries. It is an in­den­ta­tion, a strike a blow a re­minder. When you are fully pre­sent in the here and now you can­not have an ac­ci­dent. Ac­ci­dents are a hit from time-space to cor­rect your di­rec­tion and pace.

If you do not be­lieve in a big­ger whole, a big­ger holon where things are or­gan­i­cally con­nected, you could of course ar­gue; “but some­body that is not pre­sent them­selves could hit me by ac­ci­dent?”

It is a ques­tion of how you per­ceive re­al­ity (Read about your view can change re­al­ity). If you per­ceive things as in­ter­con­nected you re-act to ac­ci­dents as a mes­sage.

You can even go around in life “know­ing” some­thing is about to hap­pen and be re­lieved when the ac­ci­dent comes. Fi­nally it is man­i­fested and you know you can go through the gates and take your next step.

This could also be from ac­ci­den­tal hap­pen­ings in your life. Some­times you know or feel some­thing about what the fu­ture holds. It can be a blow or in­jury to your life, that you know is go­ing to make it go in a dif­fer­ent di­rec­tion. Peo­ple around you might think it is de­stroy­ing you, but you might feel re­lieved; fi­nally I can take that next step and leave it be­hind me.

Some peo­ple are ac­ci­dent-prone or clumsy and are moulded by life. I have met peo­ple that hit their head again and again, other peo­ple are stroke by light­en­ing many times, or they twist their an­kle again and again. Yes you could ex­plain the head with the sight or pos­ture, the light­en­ing with where they live or the an­kle with mus­cu­lar weak­ness, but if you look closer into their life and their chal­lenges it will of­ten be clear that it is not a co­in­ci­dence.

One man I know had sev­eral se­vere car ac­ci­dents, but hardly any in­juries him­self. In these ac­ci­dents peo­ple died and the cars where be­yond re­pair. Still he could walk away with mi­nor com­plains. It was al­ways when he was trav­el­ling. First when he took a com­plete dif­fer­ent di­rec­tion in life the in­ci­dences stopped.

Your skin or sense of touch is your sur­face, the limit be­tween you and the sur­round­ings. When you meet your sur­round­ings in a har­mo­nious pleas­ant way, it feels good and you ex­pe­ri­ence com­fort.

The sen­si­tive ar­eas of the skin are also re­lated to in­ti­macy and sen­su­al­ity. That is why in the es­o­teric tra­di­tion the ar­eas that are re­lated to virtues of good­ness and kind­ness also are re­lated to pu­rity.

When your in­ten­sions are good, you have a pure heart.  Good­ness or kind­ness con­nects you with the foun­da­tion, it lets the skin of your soul touch the uni­ver­sal soul, it gives life to your soul, pu­rity to the heart and sanc­tity in your ap­proach.

To have a sa­cred place in your home a sacrum is and act of good­ness and gives your house a touch of pu­rity. This is one of the most valu­able as­pects of the sense of touch.

Other ar­ti­cles on the senses
Sight View can change re­al­ity

Smell Jus­tice a mat­ter of nose

Hear­ing Wis­dom is hid­den in the ears

Taste Love comes out of the mouth

The ar­ti­cle “Char­ity is the child of good­ness” in the Mag­a­zine The Magic Hap­pens Now

Read other articles on integrative medicine here.
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